Friday, August 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Dillon

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Dillon, happy birthday to you.
Happy 7th birthday dear Dillon. We all love you very very much

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Such a rough day!

Today Alexis had her 1 year booster shots. I think that they older they get, they harder it is for them to get their shots, or the louder they can scream. Anyway, she is out like a light now. Such a rough day. Dillon is a t Camp Wapiti. Apparently they go hiking everyday, they are shooting bows and arrows. Both him and Madison come back talking my ear off the entire way home. I am so glad that they are enjoying themselves. Dillon goes home tomorrow for a couple of weeks so his mom can get married. She is married on August 12. Happy birthday to Dillon, his birthday is on the 11th. He comes back to us for 2 weeks from the 16 of August to the 31 or 30 (whatever is the last day)Then he is gone to school. Grade 2. He has grown into such a little man. Telling Madison that he should go and kiss his room mate. Yup, they are boys. It was so great having Dillon here. We have so much fun with him here. He is a great helper too, of course when he wants to be. Anyway, should be signing off. Take advantage of the quiet time and maybe do a bit of tidying up, and relazation.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Happy Birthday!!!! TODAY

Today our baby is 1. She was born at 6:50pm 1 year ago today. OUr baby is not a baby anymore, she is now a toddler. Boy does that year ever go by fast. You don't realize the vast amount of stuff that they learn and develope in that year. When you first bring them home, they know how to scream, poop, and sleep. You have to burp them because they don't even know how to do that on their own. By the time that they turn 1, they are usually walking, saying a couple of words, eating solid foods, drinking out of sippy cups and some what entertaining them selves by getting into things they probably shouldn't. This is just amazing. I can't wait to see what comes in the next year and future years to follow.