Thursday, December 28, 2006


Well another Chrsitmas has come and gone!! The kids had a great time. Dillon is with us now until the New Year. Now we must find the space for all the new toys that have over run our home. Jennah has come down with a nasty cold. Poor little thing, can't give her anything because she is so young. Dr said it was a virus, it seems to be getting worse, so I think that I will take her into the clinic if she is not better or on the mend tomorrow. Poor girl is so stuffed up that she can't breath when laying down. I just wish that there was something that I could give her to make her feel better. Then this morning Alexis woke up with a runny nose. Man, if she gets sick, this is going to suck. Anyway, on a happier note, here are some great pictures of Christmas. I think that these pictures is what Christmas is all about!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


We recently went to a Christmas get together with Quinns family. This is a yearly event. Alexis had a blast and played with kids until midnight. I barely saw Jennah, other then when she needed to eat. We have a gift exchange and the kids get a bunch of gifts. I never thought that I would enjoy the holidays so much as I do now with such a great extended family and wonderful kids and husband. To bad Dillon missed this one. He is with his mom right now, but we will have him on December 27 until after the new year. He will get his visiting in then. Jennah is getting so big. She has discovered her voice and knows how to use it. Alexis is still full of hugs and kises for her little sister. When ever Jennah starts to cry, Alexis is right there saying "oh, okay!" Then she gives her a hug. She is such a great big sister. I can't wait for Dillon to meet his newest little sister. He is a great big brother, I am sure that is where Alexis gets it from. I can't wait until Christmas. My family is supposed to be coming to our house for the holiday due to Quinn being on call. It will be such a joy to have a house full of kids. That is what the holiday is all about. Anyway, everyone have a great holiday if I don't get a chance to post again. Keep the spirit of Christmas in your hearts.

Friday, December 08, 2006

ITS A GIRL!!!!!!!

On November 30,2006 we were greated with a very special girl, Jennah Allison Kessler. She weighed in at 6lb 10ozs. Her big sister thiks that she is great. Alexis is a great big sister, always trying to help out. Mom and baby are doing well. Labour went as well as labour can go. We are all at home adjusting to having 2 bums to change. Daddy is a very proud daddy and dreading the teenage years. He is very proud to have 2 girls and 1 boy. Anyway, here are some pictures of our newest bundle, and of course a cute one of Alexis

Friday, November 24, 2006

Here are the most recent pictures that I have of the family. I hope that everyone enjoys them. Also, the big family picture is one of the rare occasions that Quinn's entire family is together (all the siblings and mom and boyfriend) are together, so we took advantage of it and snapped a picture.

Still Pregnant!!

Well, have 3 weeks left and so unbelievably uncomfortable. Sorry haven't blogges lately, between chasing after Alexis and dealing with being preg. haven't had much time for anything. This baby won't stop moving either, so not much sleep. Baby has dropped so now I am up everyh housr in the night to pee. Not really like that during the day though, wish it could be like that at night. Would like some sleep. Alexis is doing well, her vocabulary has sure grown. She is picking up a lot of new words, like "no" and "mine" Loving those two words. Dillon is doing amazing. He just got his report card and got 8A's We are so proud of him. Apparently that is straight A's. Way to go Dillon. I have some new pictures that I would like to post, but had problems last time I tried posting pictures. Quinnn is doing well, he is working alot to support his ever growing family. We are both in agreement that this is our last child. Of course there is a piece of me that is hesitant, then I think that I do not want anymore after I am 30. We have been looking at houses to buy, but they are so stupid in price right now. For your basic 4 bedroom house is about 250,000 (1600 per month for a mortgage) I need to go back to work. How can anyone afford to start out here? It is ridiculous. Bill and his fiance Kristin are doing great. Bill is working lots too. Kristin is trying to plan a wedding for June 30, 2007. She is having a hard time finding a dress. According to the bridal shops, she has about a week left to order a dress for it to be ready in time. She is kinda stressing. Chrissy is doing well. She is now also getting married. Yes!! you read it right. Chrissy out of all people is getting married. I think that she founds her dress today. Her date is August 04, 2007. Her fiance seems to be a nice guy. They haven't been together for long, so we don't really know him that well yet. BUt he seems nice and we are happy for her that eerything is going right for her. Madison is in grade 3 and did good on his report card as well. Brooklynn is 13 months old and into everything. She has got Chrissy's attitude, so have fun Chris!! hahahaha. Mom and dad are working and spoiling their grandkids. They say that is their new job and purpose in life. They really love being grandparents. You can see them glow when the grandkids are around. Well, I think that is everyone. If you do check out this blog, please leave a message or something because I almost shut down this blog. Until tonight, I thought that no one was visiting this blog to get updated on the family.
As for Quinn's side of the family, evryone is doing good. We just saw Judy (mom) she got to spend the day with Alexis and had a great time. Kelly and her family are doing good. The three girls are keeping her busy and then the baby boy. She is a veru busy lady. Cody is working a lot. Shawn is still building houses out here for Mark and Auntie Linda. He is now living at the acreage. Byron is working a lot. They are in Edmonton shopping this weekend. Not much going on there.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

will this work???

Lets see if this finally works. Trying yet again to post pictures

Friday, October 06, 2006


why is this thing not posting pictures??? I will keep trying though

Thursday, September 28, 2006

pictures, finally!!!

Here ares some pictures that I have been trying to find the time to post. I know that I have not posted anything recently. Between being in my third trimester, chasing a toddler (yes, Alexis is now a toddler)and trying to keep the house together, I have been so busy. My friend that was in the accident is back in BC. He is actually back home in Dawson Creek. I think that this is one oif the best places he can be. His wife and his daughter can now visit him everyday. I think that will help with his recovery. Anyway, there are more pictures to follow this posting. Computer slow and is only letting me post so many pictures at one time.

Friday, September 01, 2006

What is Important!!!

haven't posted lately. Been busy. A very close friend of mine is at the U of A hospital. He is currently in a vegetative state. Between dealing with that, the pregnancy, and chasing Alexis around, been kinda busy. Had Dillon for the majority of the summer. It was such a blast. He is home now, so now we are all going through the adjustment stage of not having him here. We love him so much and miss him so much when he is not here. I wish that we could clone him so he could be with us. I do have pictures of him, but I temporarily misplaced my camera. It has been a month. I do have pictures on another camera, but it has the wrong USB cord. Dillon had a blast athis birthday party. He got lots of stuff, and had lots of family and friends over to celebrate with him. That is all that really counts. My friends accident and injury has really opened my eyes to what is really important in life. Good friends and your family. Everything else is simply material. I even bit the bullet and did a Last Will and Testament, along with a POwer of Attorney. Unfortunately, my friend never had this and now his wife is having a horrible time accessing his financial information. They also have a 5 week old baby. God bless her and her new family. She needs this information and access to pay their bills and support their child. She is such a strong person. I would never be able to handle what she is handling. I don't know how she is doing it and keeping herself together for her daughter. I guess you just got to do what you got to do. God blexx you Andrea, Luc and Karma.
Everyone who reads this blog, please keep in mind of what is important, your family and friends, everything else is just material.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Dillon

Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Dillon, happy birthday to you.
Happy 7th birthday dear Dillon. We all love you very very much

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Such a rough day!

Today Alexis had her 1 year booster shots. I think that they older they get, they harder it is for them to get their shots, or the louder they can scream. Anyway, she is out like a light now. Such a rough day. Dillon is a t Camp Wapiti. Apparently they go hiking everyday, they are shooting bows and arrows. Both him and Madison come back talking my ear off the entire way home. I am so glad that they are enjoying themselves. Dillon goes home tomorrow for a couple of weeks so his mom can get married. She is married on August 12. Happy birthday to Dillon, his birthday is on the 11th. He comes back to us for 2 weeks from the 16 of August to the 31 or 30 (whatever is the last day)Then he is gone to school. Grade 2. He has grown into such a little man. Telling Madison that he should go and kiss his room mate. Yup, they are boys. It was so great having Dillon here. We have so much fun with him here. He is a great helper too, of course when he wants to be. Anyway, should be signing off. Take advantage of the quiet time and maybe do a bit of tidying up, and relazation.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Happy Birthday!!!! TODAY

Today our baby is 1. She was born at 6:50pm 1 year ago today. OUr baby is not a baby anymore, she is now a toddler. Boy does that year ever go by fast. You don't realize the vast amount of stuff that they learn and develope in that year. When you first bring them home, they know how to scream, poop, and sleep. You have to burp them because they don't even know how to do that on their own. By the time that they turn 1, they are usually walking, saying a couple of words, eating solid foods, drinking out of sippy cups and some what entertaining them selves by getting into things they probably shouldn't. This is just amazing. I can't wait to see what comes in the next year and future years to follow.

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Happy Birthday!!!!

Happy birthday to Alexis. She turns 1 on Tuesday. We had her birthday party this weekend. What an exhausting weekend!!! We had a houseful of people, apparently I invited way to much people. I think that there was about 25 adults. She has been blessed with a great big family. All that matters is that Alexis had a good time. She did that for sure. As you can tell, she made quite a haul with presents.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Here are the pictures that I have been promising for the past 2 posts. The stupid blogger site thing wouldn't let the pictures be downloaded yesterday. I hope that these show everyone what we have been up to to deal with this extreme heat. The kids have been loving it anyway. Talk to you all later

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Just an update. T

This weekend is Alexis' 1st birthday!!! Well, the party is this weekend. She actually turns 1 on the 1st. I can't believe time has gone by so quickly. She is walking all over the place. We even take her to the mall to go walking. Dillon is having a blast. We have been spending a lot of time indoors because of the extreme hot weather. I also wanted to send out a huge congrats to my friends in Dawson Creek on the birth of their new daught Karma Alexis. She was 5lbs 11ozs. The weather here has reached 34degrees. It is bloody hot. I didn't think that I would be affected this much by the heat being only 5 months pregnant, but holy moly, can I ever feel the heat. Well, I just have go and download the pictures of the kids on to the computer so I can post some great pictures.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

just no time

It has been brought to my attention that I have not posted in a while. OOPPS. We have Dillon right now and have been very busy trying to entertain him. Every thing is going great. We are loving having Dillon here for the summer. There are pictures that will be posted as soon as I canget the time. Alexis is also walking all over the place. Another thing keeping me very busy. She has it figured right out. I think that we are going to go to the mall today to let her go and give us something to do. Everyone else is doing good. Bill and Kristin are making their wedding plans. Chris is being Chris. Mom and Dad are working. Quinn is working a lot, but enjoying his time with the kids when he comes home. It is nice, because that gives me time to catch up on everything. His brother Shawn is staying in our camper, it's nice to have an extra set of eyes to catch one of the kids doing something. Anyway, there are pictures to follow, hopefully very soon. Everyone have a great summer!!!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006


Here is some pictures of our newest addition that is due December 13, 2006

Monday, June 26, 2006

Well, I think that I have now posted pictures of all the kids on my side of the family. I do not have pictures of kids on Quinns side of the family that I can post. The first pictures are of Ethan, Alexandra, Bill and his Fiance Kristin The next one is of Madison, Chrissy's oldest boy, the oldest grandchild in the family. Enjoy!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

summertime fun

The girls (Alexis and Brooklyn) have so much fun together. Those pictures were taken yesterday. They are definitely a handful when they are together. Can't you see the mischevious in their eyes? The other pictures are ALexis getting into dirt and trouble all by herself. Can you imagine what the two of them can do together? She had so much fun in the sprinkler today. She did not want to leave and go inside. He lips were turning blue because she was cold, but she wanted to stay outside. She is a very determined girl, that is for sure.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Well, today is Fathers Day, Happy fathers day to all you fathers!!!You deserve it. We left Alexis with a babysitter last night and she seemed to do alright. She didn't want to go to sleep, she wanted to socialize. Our little socialite. Bill and Kristin have set a date I think. June 30, 2007. Don't write it in stone. That could change very easily. Their baby is doing real good. She is getting bigger. Alexis is yabbering a lot more. Making alot more sounds when she is talking. She now says "hi". All the time. Dillon is coming to visit us. We can't wait/. He will be here July 4-August 2, and then August 15-Aust 31. We get him almost all summer. I can't wait to spend the summer with him. He is such a fun kid. Always cheerful and very very well mannered. He made Quinns day this maorning and called at 9:00am to wish him a happy fathers day. It was great that he phoned. It is great to hear his voice first thing in the morning. We miss him so much, can you tell? Anyway, ot much else going on. Went to parets for supper, that is always eventful. Quinn seems to enjoying his new job. He is not complaining about it, so that is always good. I am now a substitute for a day care center. I work when I want to work, don't when I don't want to. That's the cool thing about being a substitute. They even know that I am expecting at the end of November, they don't seem to care.
THE OILERS ROCK!!!! WE ARE GOING TO TAKE THE CUP AND BRING IT TO WHERE IT BELONGS!!! Just had to get that out. GO OILERS GO!!!! The game rocked last night for any of you that care about the Stanely Cup. Anyway, I will hopefully, no for sure get some sneeky, candid pictures of Dillon while he is here. I think that is the only way I will be able to get them. I am glad to see that people are actually reading this blog. It is so much easier to update everyone how we are all doing, rather then phoning people then forgetting to phone people. So, I will blog to you all another day. I am trying to stay regular with this, as Alexis permits. It is 10:30pm and finally sitting down to do this.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

There is a picture of Dillon. It is a bit outdated, but as I said earlier, he is hard to get a picture of. This one is only 6 months old. Any way, enjoy!!

Holy cow

Heaven forbid you forget your username and password. That was next to impossible. Anyway, Alexis did take her first step!!!! She hasn't really done it much since. She prefers to crawl. She went outside yesterday and played with her bothers old tric, and walked holding onto the seat. She was all over the backyard. Anyway, I don't think that it will be long and she will be all over the house.I am going to try to post some pictures of Alexis and Dillon (my step son, for those of you who don't know that) Dillon is always so busy when he comes to see us that it is hard to catch him standing still to take a good picture. We went quadding and I couldn't even get a picture of him there because it was hard to catch him just sitting around. Alexis, so far, is a little easier. If she sees the camera, she will stop what ever she is doing and pose, then go back to what she was doing before the camera made an appearance. My brother in law, Shawn had his birthday yesterday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO SHAWN!! Don't know what else to really blog, Alexis is getting into things. Trying to climb up on one of those free standing fans. NOT SAFE!!! Always chasing after her! Talk to you later

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

first post

Oh, I hope that Idid this right. Today is my first blog posting. To everyone reading bear with us, as we are learning how to do this by doing it. (if that makes sense) Anyway, I will end this right now and do some research on how to load pictures and stuff.